Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Charith wins Gold for Sri Lanka

Charith has received the latest Gold Medal of the Room 6 Olympics. Charith won his medal for finding the most facts on Monkeys using the Internet.  Sophie, Joshua O and Georgia also gained medals of varying colours in the same event.

Charith proudly displays his medal.
By Penny the Kiwi


  1. Woohoo go Charith and Sri Lanka.

  2. Congratulation Charith for getting a gold medal for Sri Lanka.

  3. Well done Charith, you got a gold medal!
    How many facts did you find about monkeys? You must be a real expert on them.

    From Riley

  4. Hi Mr Waite,

    I like to feed tiggy and I also like to pat tiggy.

    From Jordan

    P.S. Well done Charith!

  5. Hi Charith,

    Well done on winning your gold medal. Room 6 olympics sound realy cool. I'd love to look at some of your wonderful facts about monkeys sometime. Maybe on Friday when we are next in - for buddy class!

    From Niomi

  6. Congrats Charith, go Sri Lanka.

  7. Well done Charith go Sri Lanka. Kingston
